The majority of people when they think of Egypt usually think of three things:tombs, temples, and pyramids The most well-known tombs and temples are down south in and around the city of Luxor, whereas the first of these, the Pyramids, are primarily located just outside of Cairo in the north of Egypt.The most well-known of Luxor’s many mind-blowing locations is the fabled Valley of the Kings, which served as the burial site for numerous of Egypt’s most powerful pharaohs.
The location of the Valley of the Kings, also known as Wadi el Muluk in Arabic, has been known since the ancients began burying their kings there. In antiquity, many of the tombs at the site were broken into and their contents stolen.However, a lot of other tombs were much harder to find, and not all were found until the 20th century. The most well-known one was King Tut’s tomb, which Howard Carter found in 1922.Even in the 21st century, a brand-new tomb was discovered and is still being excavated.It goes without saying that the area is still a working archaeological site today.
The opening times of tombs change from time to time, but some of the most popular ones usually stay open all year, while others open and close at random.I’ve been inside almost all of the tombs that are always open, but every now and then one will open for a while, giving me a chance to explore something new.I recently went to the Valley when a tomb I had never seen before was open to the public, and I saw something really interesting and one-of-a-kind: ancient Greek graffiti (think:Christian desecration of the ancient Egyptian polytheistic artwork on the tomb’s walls (such as “Socrates wuz here” and “Plato + Athena 4ever”)
Because your ticket only grants you access to three of the valley’s tombs, it can be very important to consult a resource, such as Egypt Travel Blog, regarding this location in order to get the most out of your visit to the Valley of the Kings.There are short tombs with badly eroded wall art and longer tombs with multiple chambers and elaborate, well-preserved murals.There are also deeper tombs that require careful walking down and back up steep steps. Other tombs, on the other hand, have quick and easy inclines and are better for people who are tired, old, out of shape, or afraid of being confined.
The Ministry of Antiquities at the Valley employs local “tomb guards” to check and punch visitor tickets in order to help enforce the three-tomb rule.After punching your ticket, these guys might also walk with you into the tomb during slow times and try to give you a flash light or point out some interesting things on the tomb’s walls for you in broken English.All of them are very nice, but just know that they would appreciate a payment for their “services.”Most of the time, a few Egyptian pound will do.
Even though they have been allowed in the past, cameras are usually not allowed inside the Valley complex as a whole.Despite the fact that cameras were allowed in the Valley, photography was not allowed inside the tombs.An inconsiderate tourist will occasionally sneak in with a camera and take a flash photo inside one of the tombs, angering the tomb guard and frequently leading to the confiscation of the camera.The camera is typically returned after several other parties intervene and a bribe is paid.
The tomb guard may actually offer to let you take a picture without a flash sometimes during slow periods.inside the tomb itself.This is still against the rules; however, if offered, be aware that the individual is seeking a decent kickback—or “backsheesh” in Arabic—of approximately 20 to 30 Egyptian pounds in return for the privilege.If you accept his offer, just be careful—you and he could end up in trouble if you are discovered by an outsider.
Within the Valley of the Kings complex, there are two tombs that are open to the public but require an additional ticket to enter.These are King Tut’s and Ramses VI’s tombs, Egypt’s most famous pharaohs.If you want to see these tombs, you’ll need to make sure to buy the additional tickets before entering the Valley complex. After taking the tram, you’ll also need an additional ticket, but you don’t need it if you don’t mind walking for a few more minutes.
One of those Egypt experiences that is cool to say you had is going to King Tut’s tomb, but there isn’t much more to it than that.The tomb is small and not very decorated because his death was unexpected and his burial was done quickly.All of the amazing treasures that were found in the tomb were excavated and brought to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, where they are now among the most popular exhibits there.The mummy of Tut is the only thing that really remains in his tomb.Seeing the actual mummified body of the boy king is the only other reason you might want to pay for the additional ticket to enter this tomb, other than the cool factor of being in King Tut’s famous small tomb and being able to stay there.
After exploring the valley, you’ll exit through the same gate you came in and take the tram to the main entrance, where you can either walk down or take the short ride.If you don’t need the restroom again, which is just inside the visitors center doors and costs a pound, you’ll go to the right when you get back to the center to pass through “the gauntlet.”You can take pictures of the Valley from outside the compound if you want to, but it’s hard to really capture the essence of the place from the outside.Unless you want to purchase a set of postcards depicting the tombs, which you will almost certainly be offered as you leave, the immortal images of the tombs will have to remain in your mind and memory for the time being.